Our Vision

Grace Ministry exists to participate in God’s story of renewal for the Kingdom and for the flourishing of all people through Christ-centered discipleship.

Our Core Values

  1. Gospel Centrality

    The Gospel is the Good News that God is redeeming His creation through the coming of His Kingdom in His Son Jesus Christ. The Gospel states that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. We believe that the Gospel is God’s power to mature and transform everything in our lives – our hearts, our identities, our relationships, our public and private lives, and even our societies.

  2. Gospel Movement

    The Gospel is a dynamic movement: God is making all things right through Jesus Christ, and we are invited into his epic story of redemption. As such, we believe that the mission of the church is to partner with other local churches, institutions, initiatives, and organizations for the purpose of spreading the Gospel, working for the blessing of all people. We believe that common grace allows us to be allies for the good and flourishing of all.

  3. Discipleship

    God calls us in to a life of discipleship. Believers are invited to grow in their faith through understanding God’s Word, practicing and enjoying in the Gospel more deeply so that they may become more like Christ. Discipleship is imperative for every believer because it changes them from the inside out. It brings the Gospel to every aspect of our lives. Additionally, discipleship is not a private endeavor; rather, it is done best in the context of community.

  4. Missional Engagement

    We believe that every believer is a missionary to the communities in which they belong. This includes workplaces, homes, schools, neighborhoods, and families. Being “missional” means we welcome and move towards every secular, non-believing, skeptical person. In moving authentically towards others, we encounter them with the Gospel in word and deed for societal flourishing.

  5. Community

    We believe that the Gospel is best exemplified and experienced in community. The Gospel creates a new community where we all can have honest, intimate, hospitable, and loving relationships. We value authentic community, and we foster this organically through small groups led by lay-members. Small groups are vital for the growth and experience of authentic Gospel-centered community.

  6. Mercy and Justice

    We believe that the Gospel creates a heart of compassion and mercy which moves us to meet the basic needs of God’s people. In other words, doing justice is fundamental in understanding and living out the implications of the Gospel in a fallen world. When we partner with God to undo injustice in our world, we are proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed, exemplifying the ways of the Kingdom.

  7. Cultural Renewal

    We believe that God uniquely calls each of us to different vocations, personally and/or professionally. The Gospel provides believers with a unique worldview that motivates us to see our calling in a new light: it is a way of imaging God our creator to cultivate beauty, creativity, order, and wholeness in the world, proclaiming through our works that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Individually and as a church, we are to join in God’s mission of renewing all things for His glory.